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Welfare Net                We are free!             Love thy neighbour


Welfare Net
                        8 Dec 2001

Published in Direction Magazine, April 2002 as: 'God - the only safety net'

We live by faith. There is no welfare safety net to protect us other than the Lord.
It is unbelievable how the Lord is working in our life here in Romania....
I had been thinking hard about going somewhere - anywhere - for a job. It is winter, businesses are shrinking, and jobs scarce. Maybe in Bucharest or Constanta I could find work as a sheet metal worker? I didn’t know what to do but felt I must do something - just to cover the bills and daily expenses and the next months rent. Then suddenly our peaceful feelings vanished in the air.. Arguments between me and Paula, my wife of just two months, about money, or rather the lack of it, left behind a desolate landscape in our souls. The boat of our marriage was carried far away from the Lord's still waters and we quickly panicked as the waves buffeted and the wind blew. Like Peter I cried out: "Lord, save me!"

It was Wednesday, I had just e-mailed my friend in England telling him of our desperate plight and the argument with my wife: 'Our marriage has hit the rocks hard. Only the Good God can rescue us' I wrote. It was true.
When I got back home from the internet café, Paula was already praying, asking the Lord to do something for us. I knelt down and prayed too. Soon the peace of God was restored in our souls. Our situation hadn't changed but at least now the acrimony was gone. Thank you Lord.
A short while later, while I was sitting at the table in front of the computer, the doorbell rang. I opened it and well..., there she was in the doorway - a lady that we know from the church, loaded with all kinds of food: potatoes, rice, cooking oil, cheese etc. We were stunned at the sight of her. She came in and said to Paula: 'The Lord sent me to pray and sing together with you to His Glory!'  (At that precise moment something saved me from making myself a clown.... I was about to ask her 'Sister Carmen, who told you how badly we really needed these?' but in an instant I remembered what she had just said:- 'The Lord sent me...').
We spent an hour or so singing and praying and sharing the Word of God. Then she left our place leaving behind, out of a blue, a banknote of 100 000 lei. Wow! Given the straits we were in, her visit was like a mouthful of freshly blessed air.
I had hardly recovered from my amazement when I heard another knock on the door. We did not expect anybody else. Paula opened it: It was a brother and four sisters from the church. They all came in and  sat down on the carpet of the floor, around a little rectangular table, and began to sing. We joined them too. Their warm presence and radiant message of love and hope gave us confidence and optimism. We felt uplifted, maybe we are not forgotten islands in a ocean of human indifference after all. ... Still a question was buzzing in me all time while looking at them: How come they had turned up when we needed them most? Who told them? - You know the answer: simple coincidence. Nothing supernatural as you might say but just an unusual string of occurrences. But twice?- Thrice?  
And further when this group of marvelous and merry people left our home they left on the table another banknote of 100 000 lei. That’s about three dollars. Not much in the west, but when you’re not on the dole in a country where over 50% of the population live in black poverty, with a harsh winter approaching.... oh! that’s a lot, believe me. 

Let me tell you please, a couple of other experiences about the power of prayer - yes 'Jesus loves you' stories in action. If I were not a believer I would laugh at them and reject them as just rubbish. For indeed, in our narrow world of commonsense they have no place.

We have in our church a man of over 50 years old who was discharged a few years ago from Tulcea County Hospital terminally ill. Doctors informed his close relatives to come and take him, beds were in great need and his form of cancer was advanced and unstoppable. All the church prayed and prayed for Arion and he was miraculously healed. His health still serves him fine, enough to help with the building of one sister’s house this summer. - I worked with him (that's me on the ground looking up), he is a very friendly man but he used to be a drunk and an abusive father at home. The change in his character is another wonder in itself. Maybe it's the greatest wonder - here in Romania statistics shows that wife beating is still a leading 'hobby' in married men’s life! 

Here is another example:
Lucica is an unmarried beautiful girl of 26, to whom also doctors gave no chance to survive. Her highly evolved form of cancer is clearly described in her innumerable medical check-up papers. The church prayed hard for her and her cancer simply disappeared. All subsequent medical analysis showed no signs of the disease. Doctors were perplexed. It was the same as in Arion's case, she had to be dead by now according to their qualified opinion. But God had other plans for them.... They are New Testament 'raised from dead' replicas. Lucica is still fine and well, I have seen her and talked to her. She is now attending a missionary school in Constanta (for 2 years) and is supported by our church. Great is the power of praying. 

Back to my story of just a week ago: I asked my wife after they left if she had indeed talked to anyone of them about our difficulties before and she said: ”No, I did not talk to anyone of them.”
Though they didn’t say who sent them I think I know precisely Who….
Yes we live by faith. There is no welfare net to protect us other than the Lord and the Lord has indeed the most efficient welfare safety net!

Love in Jesus our Lord            



  "We are free!    Condensed from ‘One Mans Revolution’  

No I never believed in God. Never for a minute believed he could exist. Not until...
It was December 1989. Unrest and rumours had been flying around Romania all week and the foreign radio broadcasts (our only source of good information) reported violent showdowns in parts of the country.
My room-mate, Ion and I, were in ‘the cave’ – our name for the miserable 'Workers Block' where we lived communally. Ion - Romanian for 'John' - kept on telling me: "Miti, something is going to happen, believe me!" We had heard that today in Bucharest, a large meeting had been called where our leader, Ceausescu was due to speak.
We listened to a small battery radio but all we could hear was patriotic music! It was strange, why just music all the time? ('Ceausescu's funeral music' Ion joked, not knowing for a second how close to the truth he was).
The music was interrupted to tell us that the Minister of the Armed Forces had committed suicide! We began to argue about it, Ion thought Ceausescu had killed him but I said No, that couldn’t be right.
Suddenly the music stopped again and a lady announced that at any moment now 'we will be in live contact with the Communist Party building in Bucharest, where comrade Ceausescu will make an important speech'. We listened but all we could hear on the radio was a strange, deep, prolonged murmur, like a chant. What was it saying? We strained our ears... (a microphone was on, picking up the sounds..)
Suddenly we heard his voice - Ceausescu. But it was unusual, saying:
"Comrades, silence please.. "
In the background, the chant was still there...
"keep order please. Silence comrades, what's there......"
The contact broke and music followed again.
Ion and I resumed our argument: 'No, Ceausescu couldn't have done it, it must be something else, maybe elements of the army ....'
Again the music stopped abruptly and a voice broke in - this time not a well-educated radio announcer, but someone with an accent like us, a worker...!

"He's gone, he's gone, the Dictator has gone! Good men!, Good men! - We are free!, God has turned his face to us again....!!!!" 
The news exploded into our reality.

For a second or two we were both paralysed. Then we just burst out shouting for joy, and then we were half crying, half laughing, hugging each other. We stood there embracing in our 'Cave' while new voices on the radio kept shouting loudly without any formal order, "We are free, we are free...."
I felt spontaneously the need to get out and to shout with all my might. 
I dashed downstairs and outside - Already people were pouring onto the streets, shouting with joy, embracing each other. Every face looked the same, yet different, for each was radiating a contaminating aura of pure joy.
Long repressed religious feeling now erupted with power and suddenly everywhere you could see people praying to God, down on their knees praying 'Heavenly Father', thanking Him for turning His face to us. It was a shock wave that swept before it the whole era of Communist atheism and penetrated even the hardest souls. I saw militiamen hugging the ordinary folk where yesterday they would have been enemies.
I knew then in that second that God truly existed and was acting.
- How long had the Israelites been held prisoners in Egypt? - How many years had we lived under that tyrant? -
Along the street I was saluted by unknown people with a 'V' sign, I saw windows open with TVs sat on the window ledge in order for people outside to watch. In front of the town hall, people had gathered and were chanting, holding in their hands the Romanian flag with a hole ripped in the centre where the scythe and the hammer would be. Everywhere I could see torn pages from 'The immortal masterpieces of the Comrade' (Ceausescu) that had been thrown away. Ships at sea had their sirens wailing, cars and lorries were honking, it was something words cannot describe.

God had turned our history around within a second. It was so evident for all to see, it happened right under our eyes, something far beyond any human power.
Over the next days the dictators’ people tried hard to regain power but God did not abandon us and those who would have pulled us back into the black past did not prevail.


Love thy neighbour                 11 January 2002

'Love thy neighbour as yourself.' Here is a well-known command so dear to Christians world-wide. But who is my neighbour? And hey, hang on a minute! How about the one who is not my neighbour? We are not all neighbours are we?
Of course we are told by Jesus precisely just who this refers to. 

Now everyone knows what 'September 11th' means. It has become a tag, burned deep into the global consciousness. I don't need to say 'the day the Twin Towers fell', just simply 'September 11th' and you know what I mean. It's a defining point, the date that separates the world before from the world after.
Here in Romania too we have another such date, one that means something to everyone - 'December 22nd'. Whether or not I add the year '1989', it means the same thing - the point in time when our world changed forever - the day the Communist dictatorship, itself a tower so strong and lofty, simply collapsed before our eyes. And so we say 'before December 22nd', or after 'December 22nd'...  
Well, before December 22nd the concept of 'neighbour' was defined by the Communist Party in our country. That ideology had its own criteria for those who wanted to enjoy this noble feeling of love.
In medieval times the inquisitors hoped to save the sinner's soul by killing the body. In Communist times, God was made redundant and there was no such thing as 'the soul.' If saving society meant killing soulless bodies then so be it. They didn't have a Father in heaven to be accountable to, so who was to stop them?
In the name of the greater good they built a tower of hatred, perpetual hatred instead of perpetual love. That was the deal, love for hate. Hatred was as always, a tremendous generator of energy. A force. The Kingdom of God upside down. Oh, Jesus said somewhere in Luke: I have come to bring fire on the Earth and how I wish it were already kindled. Communists fast got the idea.
The fire of hatred had to be kept permanently alive by their propaganda machinery. We were urged by the Party organs all time to be vigilant, for Satan - alias 'the enemy of the People' - might be hiding in just about every person, and especially those we naturally love. No wonder that in time, the acid of suspicion fully corroded our ability even to love ourselves, let alone others. When, at the end of the world war two, the curtain was finally raised on the Nazi stage, a cupboard full of corpses was flung wide open and the whole world could see the naked truth. Not so with the communist stage. When the curtain was finally raised by the Lord on December 22nd, the corpses were already long gone and the traces wiped clean in a process that continued long after the overthrow of that criminal regime.
They had time on their side....  All except for the children....
The state orphanages shocked the civilised world with their horrific images of skin and bones ghosts. A huge wave of sympathy and compassion was triggered by the awful pictures on television screens, and fast turned into an avalanche of generosity from the western countries. To help the most needy, aid convoys from all over the continent, and in particular from Christian organisations in Britain, became a permanent feature on our roads, and exerted a great pressure on our government to take action, both to adopt adequate laws and to reform the derelict orphanage system. Now things are far better because of you, and because our country is slowly becoming part Europe. 
But many times we saw how aid from the generous hearts in your country was diverted from the intended receiver into other pockets - those sharks of transition who have built such great fortunes that now their opulence is squashing those of us who can barely make ends meet. These fiendish ticks proliferated at a fantastic rate after December 22 - in the police, political parties, the government, the army and the church. Yes the church! 
The seeds of corruption in the established church were planted long ago in accommodations with power and privilege before December 22nd. The tentacles have never been uprooted since and like all corruptions, manifest now and then in many ways, all of them ugly. 

I hope this doesn't sound like sour grapes but on 30th of November last year, four evangelists from the Evangelical Alliance church here in Tulcea went to the nearby village of Niculitel to present the film 'The Greatest Story Ever Told', about Jesus’ life. Despite the fact that they took every legal step necessary to present the film at the cinema, the local orthodox priest tolled the church bells as hard as if the 3rd world war had broken out. The four evangelists were surrounded by about 300 villagers, who with eyes full of hatred, beat them so savagely they barely escaped alive. An accompanying TV reporter shared the same fate and also had a camera smashed. 
Ironically it is in this same village where the remains of four Christian martyrs who died 1600 years ago have recently been found.
The orthodox priest's superior was interviewed the next day in the papers here in Tulcea. He declared that all the blame should go with four evangelists who went to preach in a village where believers are 100% orthodox!  Sounds ridiculous doesn't it?

Now this is Romania not Indonesia. I wonder what a Moslem would say to say to see Christians accusing other Christians of proselytising! 
Wasn't Saint Paul a proselyte? Aren't we all proselytes for the Christian faith? Why then is this word so hated in my country by the Orthodox church? It is used like a bullet by those hard core leaders who bear a Kalashnikov in their souls not the commandment I have begun this article with. We pray in the church for our Lord to turn hardened hearts into sensitive ones. Oh, how the road back from enmity to compassion is complicated and difficult.
But with God everything is possible:-

The pride of Romania
I have been writing these lines from the home of a person dedicated to helping the street kids. The Pride of Romania she should be. She has been working with the lost in the tunnels of Bucharest for many years. Her name is Natalia but she is known to everybody around as 'Tely'.
Yes this out-of-this-world sister took Jesus' word seriously. She entered into their underground world to let them know Jesus loves them. An unbelievable story, to leave behind the comfort of a warm house and enter that tough subterranean environment to save souls for Christ!
There is a boy with me in this room, her last success story. He is a bright boy of 23 who was on the street from age 10. He was abused as a child and later became drug addicted, going through all the dire trials of that life. The scars on his skin are telling signs of his past existence in the underworld. He missed love and affection badly, but now he is praising the Lord Jesus all time for rescuing him.
And what an extraordinary rescue operation this is. What amazes me is the fact Tely had a visa granted to go to the USA (a priceless thing here in Romania) but she gave it up for this work of the Lord. Yeah, I thought she was crazy at first but soon I discovered what a great soul she is. She is working now with the street kids here in Tulcea, sustained by gifts and a small business selling Christian embroidery to the west (anyone interested?). A person who really seeks the interest of others first, she is the engine of a remarkable charity work, a person modelled on Jesus and a blessed example to our Emanuel church here in Tulcea. Someone filling the gap between faith and deed, between saying 'Love thy neighbour' and doing it.



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