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Published in Direction Magazine, January 2002 under the
  title: '
From brain-washed atheist to believer in Christ'

I was born in 1959, one of a large, ten-member family in a village called Enisala.
At the time of my first cry, communist totalitarianism had already engulfed the whole of Romanian society like a giant octopus. My dad was in those times a fervent supporter of the Communist party. He served it by praising the new life under Communism - singing, dancing and playing on the stages of the Cultural Houses throughout the county. And he was good at it.

While Dad was away Mum struggled hard to feed us, physically and spiritually. She was not an atheist like Dad, but her orthodox creed left her with mixed convictions, for the church was, in the prevailing climate, serving more the Party than Jesus. Its traditional formalism was I guess, like the Pharisees' legalism of Jesus' time, keeping the truth away from people.

Mum would occasionally take me to a church event where one thing always at­tracted me: the mysterious con­tent between the two leather and silver covers of the old gos­pel in the priest's hand. We had no Bible in our house, so the Word of God couldn't fall into our heads then, nor until much later in life. I was in the dark­ness groping for truth.

At school I was taught that the religion was 'the opiate of the people'. Oh yes, the aroma of the Darwinist doctrine blended with that of Marx and Lenin in our classrooms. God was no more, and my young mind was enticed by the idea that from now on I was free to live without the constraint of any moral norm. Instead of going to Sunday School I went to the cinema to watch pictures about the Russian Revolution and our Communist  Party's  great achievements.

Yet always on my mind there was a tension between what Mum was telling me at home and what I heard at school. But what I heard about Jesus I dismissed as a lot of popular stories with a medieval heathen flavour They might satisfy the naive magico-­mystical feelings of the peasants, but not me, gifted with logical thinking. Deep inside me I could not square the idea that a loving Creator could allow Hitler, Sta­lin or Mao to live long enough to slaughter millions.

The atheist worldview flew ever higher and more promis­ing. In its wings was blowing the wind of science, not the Holy Spirit, and by the age of twelve I had been seduced by it. But my discontent was still diverted towards the God that 'didn't exist'. I was arguing all the time with a God I did not believe in - funny and absurd! But remem­ber I had not yet met the real Jesus. 'Christian' was for me just the label stuck on me the 40th day after water baptism as an infant. It didn't mean anything.

Without a God to fear I made my own god in my im­age and my likeness. I was proud to play Caesar in my life. I was seeing my royal self as the centre of the world - a world in which my imperial person has only rights and privileges, and others just have duties to­ward me. I enjoyed singing the same old Lucifer inspired hymn of "I, I, I, I..."

Then, in the summer of 1991, God sent me a Bible through an English friend, Dave Morgan (who had become a Christian three years earlier under Elim pastor David Woodfield). For the first time in my life I looked at myself through the living mirror of Christ's model and I did not like at all what I saw. I slowly began the long trek from an atheistic value system to a Christian, faith-based one. It was a tormenting process that has taken me nearly ten years, through, it seems, endless times of trouble.

In 1996 I went through a divorce, which had a devastat­ing impact upon my soul. From the abyss of emotional pain I could not, for a while, see any hope for me. But God was good, He kept sending me rays of encouragement through the mist of desperation. Just like Nicodemus, I began to approach my Saviour by night in my personal Bible reading, to ask him to teach me. I was for a while trapped in my own spiritual ambush: he could not un­derstand what it is to be born again, nor could I. But slowly Jesus revealed his truths to me. Truths that culture and intelli­gence on their own could not lead me to.

Finally, last summer; I joined the Pentecostal church here in Tulcea where I made the commitment to Jesus. It was actu­ally on 8 July 2001, a beautiful summer morning. In the church courtyard, after the baptism of 4 men and women (God had among them my future wife, Paula) the pastor asked if there was any among the witnesses ready to receive Jesus as their personal Saviour I felt strongly God's call and I said, ~ Here I am and stepped forward out of the crowd.

Just two months later I re­ceived a double helping of bless­ing within days of each other: I was baptised in water and mar­ried to a wonderful godly wife. As a born again man I can say that life is the same life as before and yet different. I am not saved from the hardships of everyday life, but my attitude towards suf­fering has changed. Jesus made possible a dialogue between myself and the Creator, through prayer in the Holy Spirit.

God has changed my life utterly. After five years of loneliness and often despair; my life is now full of joy, peace and fulfillment. I thank the Lord Jesus for having shown me a way out of the land of egocentrism, for reconciling me with the Father and forgiving my sinful past. I thank him for putting an end to the delightful illusion of an almighty, arrogant, imperial self unable to love him­self let alone his neighbour'.


At war???                             October 2001 12:31

Published in Direction Magazine, February 2002 
under the title: '
Bin Laden's Messianic vision'

The most vehicled word in the world today is probably ‘terrorism’. I hardly can open a newspaper or turn on the radio or TV without being under siege by that word.
"Today Romania is at war alongside NATO against terrorism" the radio announced gravely one night last month, at a time when the audience was at maximum.

Life here has become even more stressful.... Because of the security measures taken at frontiers, the traffic in drugs has collapsed and so have the bodies of drug addicts who cannot afford to pay the sharp price increases on the heroine market. Over three hundred have crowded the hospitals in Bucharest already. This news has added further more anxiety in people’s souls.

Terrorism has become the most dangerous enemy of civilisation. It has acquired a gigantic attention from media - our daily ‘food’ - a ferocious and faceless enemy without any respect for the human life. You can hear ordinary people around talking about it as if it were some new sort of evil spirit unheard of in the old times, which is not at all so. Terror, and how to wreak it, has deep roots in the depths of human history and it haunted mankind violently for the first half of the last century, riding atop the twin towers of technological progress and totalitarianism.
In this country we tend to forget, being overwhelmed by everyday worries and hardships, the words in Ecclesiastes that 'nothing is new under the sun'. Our own totalitarian state system once used terrorists to achieve its political targets after having first indoctrinated them.

Now, religion is used to support the spread of the death, after its core message - that of taming our aggressive instincts, has been mutilated. Its central purpose has in fact been perverted in order to arouse believers to serve the Death not Life. Let’s face it: Islam is essentially against bloodletting, but hang on a minute, only within those being part of it. The other ones, the pagans or infidels, are given a lower status that can be close to nothingness in the mind of a fanatic.

A few nights ago I watched on TV a documentary made by a Pakistani woman with a hidden video camera, inside Afghanistan, the Talibans’ realm. A very courageous woman, indeed God bless her. Shocking images. Horrifying scenes of women assassinated in a stadium before hysteria-hit crowds. A decapitated, skinned head of a man in a house where the wife was shot on the spot and the girls raped - while a Taliban official stated shamelessly how law and order had been brought throughout the land. Anyone could see the way have they instituted their Divine Justice: By slaughter and rape and marauding of their very countrymen. Of course the main victims as ever are the most unaided: women and children.
Embarrassing images for any honest Moslem, who believes not in Sharia (strict Islamic law) but in the Human Rights. Yet Moslem leaders around the world hesitate to promptly and vehemently take a stand against this Taliban model of a Moslem state and their barbaric means to realise it. 

The realm of the Taliban is more like the model that prevailed in the Prophet’s time when the Berber tribes made a living in the Arabian peninsula by attacking caravans in the desert and sharing the loot - a prosperity achieved by marauding, not hard disciplined work. That was the key to the successful spread of Islam in the first centuries, that they boast of - that was how they 'attracted' new converts. Unfortunately this model does not work any more in our modern times and this seems for many Moslems, hard to accept.

Now in Afghanistan the religious students (Taliban means 'student'), in trying to achieve their totalitarian state, are using the most efficient weapon of all: the man himself. A man who, after an intense process of indoctrination, emerges as a living or biological bomb. When Osama bin Laden says that he has plenty of people ready and eager to die for Allah, I believe him. Laden is cunning, an expert at manipulation, the number one terrorist on the planet - a bloodthirsty megalomaniac.

This enemy we confront at the dawn of the third millennium has achieved something incredible a few years ago. It has brought together at the same table century old rivals - Russia and the European countries along with USA - in a huge joint effort to eradicate a common enemy: terrorism. What an incredible change! You have the spirit of death emanating from your IRA, or ETA in Spain, but it did not foster global co-operation for they, these Prophets of death (some of them I saw invited to the White House), did not have the messianic vision like that of the deranged Osama bin Laden. They kill for more modest reasons, the liberation of their piece of land from foreign occupation. Osama instead wants to free, according to his TV declaration, the entire Islamic world from 'infidels'.
By this vague term 'infidel’, just about everyone can be labelled - anyone who opposes Allah, or his representative, the leader Mr.Laden, which is the same. (Not so long ago similar coercions were used by our Security Forces to exert terror on the population under communism. Then, anyone who opposed the great God Marxism, or its leader, Ceausescu, would be labelled not 'infidel' but 'revisionist', 'parasite', etc. etc).

What is new is the global dimension of criminal groups with the funds to support common action toward targets worldwide. Nobody is safe anymore after 11 Sept. I don’t think anybody can predict the course of history but I am sure it will not be what is wanted by bin Laden and the like.

The collapse of the Twins in New York has awakened mankind from a century long sleep to the knowledge that the most frightful enemy is not the ever-more sophisticated weapon but ‘thy neighbour turned suicide killer’. Against him (my working mate maybe??), no ultra-sophisticated gun can defend me.

I pray for God to bless America, I don't think He is the Allah because He has Mercy on his side, not Justice, as bin Laden’s. To do justice on behalf of the Creator!??! Where did this idea come from? - nowhere else other than from man’s thirst for power. If bin Laden starts to judge the world, than Allah would become idle; - A nonsense.

Off the cursed wood of the cross, Jesus asked His Father to forgive His killers, not to do Him justice. What a lesson for mankind to learn, a lesson for the humanising of the cruel beast in us. Talibans and their assassins with their appetite for martyrdom, want to wipe away all those long suffering years from our western culture only to restore the barbaric times within which they alone feel comfortable, times where just blind and brute force reigned.

My hope is that this long range and unusual war (to launch bombs and food at the same time!?!) will not degenerate into a religious war between Christianity and Islam. Let’s pray to God that won’t happen. And that in the end Love, our Lord, will come on the clouds of faith!

Bin Laden, united in hatred with his death’s angels, will inevitably lose their war in the long run like his predecessors Hitler, Stalin etc.. History has in its stomach a lot of these like him, self-called ‘illuminated’ paranoids who fancy themselves to be seen as another Prophet. 

I am proud that my people have given full support to the call for terrorism’s eradication launched by USA. The thousands of innocent lives lost in the rubbles of the Twins did not leave the
Romanian soul untouched.

God bless America, the guardian of our freedom and civil rights, and England her most faithful ally

May Love come soon upon the clouds of the Faith on the whole Earth

  Street Angels

It is a highly sensitive topic: the street children. 99.9% of Romanians, both inside and outside the church, would prefer to avoid it. Not very Christ-like attitude, is it? Actually, what is the purpose of the church on Earth? I put this question once to a Christian Pastor. His answer shocked me, it was just like the one I heard once from a high orthodox pulpit: 'To spread the Word!!!'

On our Romanian TV, we spend hours watching an imported program called 'Forgive me'. It's like Television playing Jesus, - they send reporters like disciples, to find people that for different reasons have not seen each other for a long time... They are brought from all over the country to ask each other's forgiveness in front of the cameras. Of course, the designated mediator for this program comes in the person of a superb blonde wearing a miniskirt, trying her best to look compassionate toward the distressed faces brought into the studio.
Today we sit back and watch on TV the human drama of those less lucky than ourselves. The tears of another are a subject of entertainment for us. Everyday life is a pool of indifference.

The Good Samaritan parable is the least quoted perhaps, from our pulpits. Maybe we are afraid to identify ourselves with the expert in the law, the priest who passed by on the other side? Maybe the extent of his mercy to the man who fell into the hands of robbers was to preach to him: "You should have stayed at home". Is that our limit too?
Jesus, our model, came to Earth to do really practical things for the needy and poor, such as healing and feeding.. Yes again this pedestrian topic - food! Why not? I remember the Pharisee's girl who he raised from the dead. After saying "Talita Kumi' ('little girl, rise up' in Aramaic), he ordered the girl to be given, not a reading from the Prophets or Leviticus, but - food.
When I have been hungry myself, bread is a very, very material thing to me. I cannot think of anything else but my stomach. Yes, in this matter I am a materialist. The false idealist would have me say: 'Man does not live by bread alone...' Oh but that sounds to me the same as the old communist Party propaganda, 'Work now and eat tomorrow.' So likewise, is water. On the Cross Jesus said 'I am thirsty'.
I love Jesus because just like me, he is hungry and thirsty. He offered Himself to me as spiritual food when I needed it, but I know if he were here now and saw me hungry, he would offer me first natural food. He wants me to live for real, in the 'now'. In this life first and foremost, then in the other. It goes to the heart of Christianity, and challenges us: The starving, abused and mentally retarded children living underground call us not to pass by on the other side.

Yes, every loaf of bread coming to feed the needy in this country is a God given thing. Fortunately, on behalf of Jesus, there are many charity organisations from abroad that are the only source of staying alive for hundreds if not thousands, of children in this country. I think that my brothers in the western countries, and in particular Britain, have a warm heart for The Street Angels of Romania.



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