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  Overview    This site was established in 2001 as a shop window for Romanian translation services and a platform to promote the writings of 'Miti' (Zaharia Chirica). More recently the focus of attention has shifted to the aid work of THE ROMANIA FUND.  Miti's writings (in English) are published under the banner Letter from Romania. 


Miti's writings    


Miti learned English by clandestinely listening to foreign radio in Ceausescu's Romania. E-mail Miti if want to comment on his writings. 

Dave edits and publishes Miti's writings, and is webmaster in England for
  e-mail:   e-mail:


Miti comes from a small farming village in the Dobrogea region of Romania, an area north of Constanta, near to the Black Sea. He grew up under the communist dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu and along with his countrymen, learned how to be a survivor under the hardships inflicted by that brutal regime. His 'trade' is that of a sheet metal worker. 


My name is David Scott-Morgan and I met Miti in 1990, seven months after the revolution (I was in Romania as part of a church aid trip). He was anxious to speak to someone in English, a language he had learned by secretly listening to foreign radio broadcasts during the communist dictatorship.


After returning to England, Miti and I began exchanging letters. I soon realised his perspective on events and life in general was worth a wider audience. In 1991 portions of his letters and photographs were featured in the Birmingham Metro News. The interest raised by this enabled Miti to come to England several times between 1992 and 1995.


For several years, Miti and I lost contact as he travelled around Turkey and the Balkans looking for work. In early 2001 he was back in the Romanian capital Bucharest working as a fitter. We made contact again this time by the new magic of e-mail. Miti moved to Tulcea (in North-east Romania) and in the summer 2002 he was married to Paula. At the same time, a co-operative effort was begun by our Church on the Hill here in England to support an aid team of Miti and two other Christians - The Romania Fund.


                updated  April 2003.