Wheat aid

Bread economy


Long Road  


The Wheat aid program began on 30 July when the first 3 tonnes of wheat were purchased and transported to our storage site at Agighiol.

Left: It took four trips using the trailer on the back of Pastor Anane's car

Why Wheat?

Raw wheat is a Godsend in the rural areas of Romania. Villagers have at hand everything they need to turn it into loaves of bread. A home-baked loaf is made with readily available wine yeast - the residue left in the empty wine barrel is combined with maze flour and exposed to the sunlight to make dry yeast.  Bread is the staple diet in Romania, as the potato is here, and many families in the countryside are unable to afford a richer diet.       Bread economy


Operation Nicolae Balcescu, Friday the 2nd to Sunday 4th August.


Miti writes on Monday 5 August 2002:

Pastor Anane had compiled a list of 15 most needy families in the village of Nicolae Balcescu (pronounced 'Bal-Chess-Ku').

For three evenings in a row - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - we drove the 35 Km from our base in Agighiol (where the wheat stock is deposited). We made two trips per evening in the Pastor Anane's old red Dacia, each round trip taking about three hours. 

The mission team was made up of Pastor Anane, Carmen, my wife Paula and I, plus another two helpers, Mary and Gina.

Here are some pictures of the Wheat Aid mission to Nicolae Balcescu, and some of those we helped.....

Misterian Maria

Susma Mariuta

A break for a meal between two aid trips

Deliveries continued until after midnight - sometimes we had to wake people up! 

Caltea Fanica and family. 
Midnight delivery
Pastor Anane, Gina, Mary, Paula, Carmen & village lady. 

Each family received from two to five sacks of wheat 
(a sack holds 60 Kg).

On Sunday, we reached Balcescu just before sunset. As we entered the courtyard of sister Elena's house (above), we found her reading the Word of God in the fading light! 
She was very glad to see us. She lives alone but despite her frail body and all the everyday hardships she is so incredible full of spiritual life.
This lady was recently abandoned by her husband to look after her nine children alone. You could see in the pic how sad she is. We gave her three sacks of wheat and have on our minds to visit her again.

In all, 15 families received wheat from us this weekend.

orking out the finances for the Wheat Aid program. .

I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from?  Psa 121:1  

The next time we plan to deliver wheat to the poor in the villages of Ciucurova and Rahmanu. We thank you all for every pound you sent us here to bring relief and we are praying for the Good Lord to repay to every one of you for your kindness.                                      Miti, Anane, and Carmen


Bread economy

Long Road