One 60 kilogram sack of wheat, when processed, provides:-

36 Kg Wheat flour
Market price 13 000 lei per kilo.

24 Kg Husk
Market price 3000 - 5000 lei per kilo.

One kilo of Wheat flour makes 3 good quality loaves (or 4 at a lower quality, the difference depending on how much water and other ingredients are added).
Husk can be easily sold, or else exchanged for more flour. Someone with animals or poultry would use the husk for feed.

Bread economy

A Romanian loaf of bread is typically 400 gm and costs 4,000 Lei (about 10p).

Each 60 kg sack of wheat will make about 108 loaves, enough to feed a child (3-7 years) for six-seven months, and an adult for half that time. An adult typically requires one loaf per day. 

Home made bread lasts at least twice as long as that bought at the market. Partly this is because, it's nutritional value being so much better, means people typically require less of it compared to market bread . Also, the home made bread can be eaten months after and still tastes good. Market bread, if not eaten in time, even my dog will not touch it!  

And Dave, the taste and the smell of the fresh homemade bread - it's priceless, believe me!    Miti.

give us this day, our daily bread.