

  17 March 2003

Yes this is the last night of love and the first one of war.
We are on the same side. Romania is fully supporting USA, Britain and Spain to ‘kill the beast!’
We Romanians know what slavery is. We prayed day and night for the Americans to come and set us free from captivity like they saved and freed the French in the war - those "cowboys" they veto today. 
The liberation of France from under Hitler’s iron hand by the Americans soldiers was a good thing then, to the French people. But the same "cowboys" are vetoed from giving the Iraqi people the chance of freedom from under their Hitler. (I cannot forget all those thousands of Kurdish innocent people slaughtered by his army).

Bush, blessed be his name, has every reason on earth to be angry and painfully sad about the ingratitude of his French ally. Siding with gangsters is understandable for Russia but not from France.
France’s attitude is ridiculous. But the consequences of her arrogance will have to wait until after this war. Anglo Saxon pragmatism will pacify this world not French idealism.

Bush is a brave man and God has chosen him to bring peace to an enslaved people. Visiting Bucharest recently, Bush noticed a rainbow in the sky and said in the front of hundreds of our atheistic intellectual elite the shocking words: ‘Today God is smiling at us.’ For sure they thought him mad. Three times he pronounced the word ‘God’ and ended his speech in front of the crowd with ‘God Bless the Romanian people.’

I am so much impressed by Tony Blair fair and his courageous stand. I know of his opposition at home and I see today Robin Cook has given up his job in the government.

So war is about to start at any time and let’s pray it will not spread over Iraq’s boundaries.      

Blessings,  Miti.

  25 March 2003

I have been watching with great interest the bloody events unfolding in Iraq and trying to discern what's really going on behind the live pictures that keep flowing around the clock from the front line. It is an extraordinary task as they flood my room too much, too fast and yes, too spectacular.
I am happy to see that Tony Blair gets more and more public support in Britain. In time of war is better to raise morale of the lads serving the country in a distant land rather than to lower it by endless arguments at home about the logic and reasons for the war they are engaged in.

Freedom has a price and someone has to pay it. These lads that hit the streets marching for peace in Italy or France or Germany for instance, don't know that long ago other lads, Americans and English, paid with their lives for this right they now enjoy. If Americans or English lads had stayed at home during World War II what would have happened? And just as important, if the American people had not worked hard for the rebuilding of the war-devastated countries of France, Germany, Italy etc. what would have happened? Ah, I was about to forget Japan!!
It's a pity that CNN doesn't remind these pacifists who demonize USA and Britain, about the past.

Today's peace movements are often the unwitting mouthpiece of other masters. How do I know this? --- Well after our Romanian dictator (Ceaucescu, less bloody than Saddam) was toppled by a large crowd in 1989, it was revealed that his regime generously sponsored not only terrorist movements but also international "Movements for Peace" too. When some of you who are over 50 were taking part in many large demonstrations for peace in your countries, I bet you had no idea that they were organized by chaps in Moscow's International Section of KGB to disrupt the democratically elected governments of the west.
These movements become just a noisy crowd to be manipulated by their leaders. Because of their noise they leave the impression that a whole nation is on their side. There are so many hundreds of thousands of people that are daily suffering terribly at the hands of ruthless tyrants that these guys marching on the streets should be doing it everyday. But they march to order, only in certain moments.
Let's talk to them for instance about North Korea regime. (I hope Kim's comrades keep an eye on what is going in Iraq). It wouldn't surprise me to hear one day that some of his money reached the world-wide pacifist movement.

It is democracy they fight for in Iraq. A way of government far from being the perfect but still the best yet devised, despite its peculiarities. Not Iraqi oil as pacifists put it. The next generation of Iraqi people will understand this. You tell me what sort of 'war' this is in which so much care and attention is paid to save civilians and infrastructure? The very things every warrior in history would destroy first despite all treaties and pacts they would sign beforehand. Where in the world has such a thing happened? It is the mother of all oddnesses to drop food out of the sky instead of bombs, like USA has done in Afghanistan, now a country pacified by the USA despite all the doubts showed previous by a lot of us. Yes I strongly believe that Iraq will be pacified and some sort of democracy will eventually take roots. As it happened in Japan, South Korea, Germany, and many other places where American lads fought to free these lands of various tyrants. Where is the American colonization in all this?

Every soldier's life when it is lost it triggers a huge emotional reaction in the people and both Mr. Blair and Mr. Bush are held personally responsible for it. But don't you think, you pacifists, that an American soldier's life is just as worthy as an Iraqi one? If so, have you ever seen pacifist people marching on the streets of Baghdad for Iraqi soldiers sent by Saddam to their death in Kuwait? No, no one dares to hold responsible a dictator for the loss of human life. That's a privilege only you there in the Democratic West have been selfishly enjoying and refusing this privilege to others.

Why don't they protest that the United Nations is not taking resolute action against cruel tyrants before they reach their climax in the extermination of colossal numbers of people? (Pol Pot is one classical example and Saddam a very fresh one). Who is to defend the weak in this world? If the resolutions of the UN are not respected than what is its role? What purpose are they given for? - to give work to this massive army of employees?
If that is the case, I suggest the UN headquarters to be moved to a third world country and all UN personal be paid accordingly.
If not, the USA has every reason in the world to question if it is worthwhile to invest in such an inefficient organization that for the moment, is unable to understand and implement the new emerging concept of 'Prevention'. It is the key word in the highly complicated fight against the new true world enemy, 'terrorism'.
Perhaps the 80% of French people who are against this war of 'prevention' will have to wait for the Eiffel Tower to collapse to wake them from their careless sleep.


  9 April 2003

Dear Dave

I am watching with gladness the events unfolding in Baghdad. It has a striking similarity to what happened in Bucharest in December 1989. Finally the ordinary Iraqi people, freed of fear, have been expressing what they really feel about Saddam's dictatorship, and it is not what they said in front of the TV cameras before war began.
They welcome the allied troops as what they really are - liberators, whether the French led anti-war advocates like it or not.
I have no doubt that God is at work there in the Middle East - working His agenda through His servant George W Bush. Freshly liberated people are shouting…. What? Hey listen:
'Saddam - the enemy of Allah' (!!) It is somewhat contrary to what they were instructed to shout and also to what the antiwar campaigners expected to hear. This is clear evidence that they are not being manipulated by an American-led media for if that was the case they would surely shout 'Long Live Bush'.
Tony Blair, God Bless you man! He is a providential politician for the Palestinian people and I am 100% sure he will in the end bring peace between Israel and Palestinians as he did in Northern Ireland.
Through these leaders, Bush and Blair, the Lord is sending shockwaves around the world to the dictatorships remaining, of whatever brand. The idea of a war between two civilizations - Moslem and Christian - put around so forcibly in the media by obscure political entities, is made absolutely irrelevant by the reality on the Baghdad streets today. If common sense lost ground on the streets of Paris, Berlin and Moscow, it has gained it in Baghdad. The thirst for freedom and the concept of 'Democracy' is manifest even in the heart of the Moslem. History is unfolding right under our eyes and is forcing us to get rid of many ancestral prejudices.
The wave of joy that is now on the streets of Baghdad and other Iraqi cities, can be the only consolation for the mothers that are weeping for their lost sons in this war. They fell in a right cause.
I am free now to write these lines. But for this freedom, my landladies' son had to die on the streets of Bucharest on 22 Dec '89. Two thousand years ago the Lord Jesus had to die for our spiritual freedom and so it is for our political freedom, someone has to die.
All the antiwar protests on the streets of Rome etc. had nothing but a cynical chant to offer: 'No war' means no political freedom, hence they shouted for preserving the status quo of Iraqis as slaves!! Who says that? -
The images on the Baghdad streets. The people out there are being released from slavery and to deny that is to lose the ability of discerning the good from evil.
The real reasons that triggered this war we may never know. All we can but do is to speculate, something more or less each of us is good at. The truth lies in the background - a clash between the spirit of freedom and the spirit of enslavement. It is a beast with many heads and it can still inflict wounds upon the Iraqi civil population before its certain disappearance into the Hell where it came from. Maybe even tonight pockets of resistance will unleash wickedness upon those who have rejoiced today.
At least so it happened on Bucharest streets following Ceausescu's fall. We will see.

God bless,



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