
Romania Fund. 23 November 2002

  Potato Aid



The program to deliver potatoes to needy families in the villages of Rahmanu, Ciucurova, Nicolae Balcescu and elsewhere, began in October 2002.


Pastor Anane's venerable red Dacia and trailer loaded up with potatoes outside the Tulcea Market, Saturday 17 November.


Above: Relaxing between potato deliveries.
Below: at the Buzdugans in Topolog village. (see Love Aid)

More potato deliveries to Nicolae Balcescu...

Below: Loading up Tony's truck in Tulcea.

At Nicolae Balcescu
(pronounced 'Bal-Chess-Ku'):
Villagers congregate around Paula and Telly (right). At left is the local pastor Caltea Fanica.

2003, Flour deliveries to Nicolae Balcescu.

Below: How bread is baked in the countyryside,

and right, the result.....

