


Miti (Zaharia Chirica)          

I met Miti (real name Zaharia Chirica) in 1990 on an aid trip to Romania. 
We began exchanging letters and realising he had a talent worthy of a wider audience, I encouraged him to write. One result of this is the body of articles published (in English) on the web at: 'Letter from Romania'.  Miti's articles are also published in UK's Elim magazine 'Direction', 2002-2003.     
David Scott-Morgan.

Paula and Toto.

Miti became a born-again Christian in the summer of 2002, and was married to Paula in September. He serves as a member of the Tulcea Emanuel Church and together with Paula,  ministers in whatever capacity is needed. 

You can e-mail Miti direct at: 


Christmas 2002: 

The Romania Fund team - Miti, Pastor Anane and Carmen - meet in Miti's flat to plan how to budget the finances for Christmas.

A hero's house

Miti writes 11 January 2003

Some days ago the woman who owns our flat came to collect her rent. My wife was curious about her name – it matches that of our street. Her name is Gavrilov Vaselina, and the street is Gavrilov Corneliu

It didn’t mean anything to me but Paula asked her about it. Her question was followed by heavy moments of silence as tears filled her eyes. ’Corneliu is my son’ she said sobbing. And slowly I began to understand:-

Her only son, Corneliu got six bullets on 22 December 1989, in Bucharest (the day of the revolution). He was Tulcea's only human sacrifice on the altar of liberty from the Red Monster. The street is named after him – ‘Gavrilov Corneliu’ and I am living in his house - a hero’s house! - His mother rented it to me!  In a way Corneliu died for me to be able to write to you these lines….

Knowing that I live in a martyr’s house is only urging me to live a more selfless life. For the spiritual and civil liberties that are vital for human race, someone always has to sacrifice himself or herself. 

Paula and Mamaia (Gavrilov Vaselina)

in my fathers house are many mansions...