Goat Aid!.


Monday 2 July, 2002.  Miti writes:

John and Gillian Charlson, from Chorley's Living Waters church in England, had bought a gift of money to the church. We thought hard how best to use this before deciding....  

We would buy goats and give them to the needy in the countryside.

And so....

Pastor Cristi, John and Gillie and myself, embarked inside Pastor Anane's century old red Dacia 1300 and set out on safari across the semi-desert land to find a flock of goats and a Shepherd ready to sell.

We started at the eight in the morning and by the noon we found a guy out on the land near the locality of Nicolae Balcescu (where we have an important outreach).

We purchased seven goats and then delivered them one by one, to three needy villages where we have outreaches:
Nicolae Balcescu, Agighiol and Ciucurova. (Hopefully, the next time, with the Lord’s help, we will get to Kogalniceanu).


People who got them welcomed us with tears of happiness in their eyes.

As here in the picture, Pastor Cristi asks everyone receiving a goat to sign an agreement by which the new owner promises to give the church the first baby goat so that it can be given to another needy person

You know they are a small milk factory, excellent for feeding the children, and easy to upkeep - all they need basically is a grass area to graze upon.

The seven we bought cost between £12 and £25 each, depending on condition.

We took pictures of everyone receiving the goats so that John and Gillie can show the folks in Britain the way the money of the donors was spent.

In addition to the goats we gave money to a very poor person to buy himself a boat...

Phew! Finished for today.     

Pastor Anane and Miti.
