PayPal manage card transactions seamlessly and securely.
Use this form to pay for music, books or software or to donate to the Jeremiah Tree ministry.
Your payment can be made in UK Pounds, US Dollars or Euros
1 Enter the amount to pay, and check the currency you are paying in.
2 Enter your name, and optionally your email address and a reference. (The reference can simply be what you are are paying for)  
3 Click on: Go to PayPal Check-out (If you are not already registered with PayPal you will first be asked to nominate a user name and password and your card details). .
All other information - your shipping address and any special instructions -  will be collected on PayPal screens.
Use your browsers Back Button if you wish to navigate back to this page from PayPal

If you have any query or difficulty, please e-mail:    Birmingham,  England.