


Romania hols. Visiting Miti and his family, 24 June - 3 July 2001.

Then and now... 1

<--- July 11 1990 at Navodari, the home of Rudi and Helen (Miti's sister). Left to right is Miti, Denise, Ramona, Rudi and Helen holding Claudia.

June 25, 2001 in the same place: Denise, Mandy, Helen, Claudia, Miti and Rudi pose  for the camera. Claudia has grown up and Ramona has moved to Austria with her husband Josef.  ---->

Then and now... 2

<--- March 1992. Miti on his first visit to England, learning to use the computer at Dave's house in Birmingham.

July 2, 2001. In the library at Tulcea   ---->

Wednesday Jun 27. 
Mandy, Miti, Helen, Diana and Viorica outsdie Viorica's apartment block in Babadag.

Helen and Viorica.

With papa and mama Zaharia at the family home in Enisala.




Helen, Diana, Viorica and Alexandru (Miti's nephew) inside the family home at Enisala.

In front of the Cazino at Constanta: Eleonora, Dave, Adrian, Mandy, Miti.

The view from Enisala Castle, overlooking the village in the distance.




Monday morning, Jun 25. Miti is outside John Bochian's church in Bucharest, as you can see, building work is well advanced on a new auditorium.

Which way to go? Mandy and Miti in downtown Constanta, 29 June 2001.

At Rudi and Helens apartment, Navodari.



With Cornelia and Sarmis in Babadag, 2 Jul 2001.

Tulcea, 1 July 2001.

Dave and Mandy at the Russian fishing village of Sarichoi, beside Lake Razelm. 





Motherland Projects great and small litter Romania. Here are just a few we came across:  Pipework built to bring heating steam to apartments and factories in Navodari. This mode of communal heating is to be seen everywhere in Romania.  Navodari, the view on the other side of the pipes of the Danube to Black Sea Canal, over 100 Km of shipping canal built by Ceausecesu using forced labour. In Babadag, a massive sugar refinery project that never worked, and was abandoned shortly after completion. Miti, who worked on this project,stands in front of it's remains, 30 June 2001.

Tulcea, 2 July 2001. Miti and his friend Sandu.

And also....    


