Articles, 2002 



Phoney War 

My friend Richard said to me some months ago, after a spate of suicide bombings in Israel: 'I used to wonder when I read about the thirties, how everyone could see that the world was drifting into war and yet nobody could do anything about it. It used to puzzle me: If they knew that, how come they were powerless to stop it? Now I think I understand how they felt!" 

Well, this week the last bit of rubble was finally cleared away from Ground Zero in New York, and the Israeli government proposed to erect a concrete and steel wall to protect itself from Palestinian Suicide bombers coming from the West Bank. 
The world is in a state of war; it has been since September 11th. Yet it is a strange war, unlike any other before it. It's opening shots announced to an incredulous world new front lines and new methods of waging war. Yet since then, not much has happened. Has the spirit that so conspicuously humiliated the most powerful nation on earth had enough? Is it now satisfied? Has it achieved victory and laid down its arms to savour peace? Or has it been defeated? 
No it has not. We are in a time of 'phoney war' - just like the period after Hitler subdued Poland in September 1939 and then nothing much happened until May 1940. 

I have noticed that in this war, there hasn't been too many Christian suicide bombers (or for that matter Jewish suicide bombers). Of course there hasn't been any. I am not poking fun at those Islamic warriors, men and women, who have cast their young lives to destroy their enemy, quite the reverse. I am saying I understand that if you dare do such a thing you can only do it in a sure, steadfast and absolute belief that for one, your enemy is God's enemy, and two: God approves your method of fighting him. To put it another way, you have to believe that the end justifies the means, that God so approves the end He exonerates the means. You cannot begin to do it unless you are definite about that. 
And therein lies the rub: Let's be quite clear, the reason why there hasn't been any Christian suicide bombers is not because Christians are too feeble in their faith to act so 'boldly', it is because they are certain that the Almighty does not say that 'the end justifies the means' - but rather more the opposite, that the means ARE the end! It is in the way we conduct ourselves - not our accomplishments for him - that God judges us. To put it another way, the Almighty says: 'I am in charge of the end, you concern yourself with the means!' God demonstrated this clearly through the life of Jesus Christ, who did not conspire to kill as many Romans as possible with his death, nor encourage anybody else in such a way. 

The war that began on September 11th is not against America, not against 'profitability' or 'affluent excess' or 'western ungodliness', it is against one thing and one thing only - Israel and the Jewish people. If today America were to disown the Jewish people it would have no more trouble with Islamic fundamentalism. In fact, if America were to change policy and come into opposition to the Jewish state, the Moslem world would likely fete it as a 'Great Saviour' instead of a 'Great Satan!' But the truth is, America is Israel's only friend. 

Let our expectations not be clouded; the war has NOT ended, the enemy has NOT achieved what it seeks, and will make further aggressions. Yes this is a time of Phoney War, don't be misled into thinking otherwise. 
For never before has the battle line been drawn across an issue of such stark global polarity: We did not see independent terrorist acts by disgruntled, fragmented militants, we saw the spirit of wickedness herald the era of end-time conflict, the one that will close the age. For September 11th trumpeted the dawn of a struggle that cannot end until biblical prophecies are fulfilled: 
On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. (Zechariah 12:3) 

No one knows whether it will be in two decades or two weeks, or exactly how it could be that the nations will be so drawn against Jerusalem. We do not know what form it will take yet for the first time, it has become feasible, just as the prophet Zechariah recorded it. To put it in simple language this war leads to the time when everyone in the world will be sucked into the argument and forced to take sides. 

David Scott-Morgan 10 June 2002 


                       article published in Direction Magazine, Jun 2002

Much discussion is under way in both the UK and America about whether schools should teach 'Creationism'. There is a feeling of indignation that this subject should be offered as an alternative hypothesis to Evolution, and furthermore that it should be discussed as a science, and not a religious subject. The argument is complicated by the fact that schools which include teaching on Creationism, namely the 'faith' schools, rate conspicuously higher in academic excellence, as measured by examination results.

We have to ask ourselves the question: what is education for? Is it for indoctrination?
I would say that the primary object of schooling should be to supply the raw materials with which students can shape their own understanding, their own beliefs.

To exclude a subject like Creationism is patently wrong. To include it only in a theological context, not as a science subject, is absurd - It is as specious as saying Darwinism is not a theology. The one gives rise to the other as night follows day. Creationism can be discussed as a science because it has facts which can be presented to support it:

There is vast evidence for Intelligent Design - or Creationism - in the universe. It is all around us, right under our noses: If you are reading this, you just know that Windows 95 did not evolve into Windows XP without a process of purposeful, intelligent intervention. It is patently unable to do it all by itself, no matter how many millions of years are set aside for development, without a creative input, supplied in this case by the Microsoft Corporation.

We accept that an inanimate structure like a computer program cannot become more complex, more purposeful, by itself, by chance. Equally we are certain that on the other hand, it can easily lose information - become degraded or mutated - because we know that the universe is predisposed towards things becoming less organised, less structured, less complex. Of course a living being created the computer program, but how did the living being come about? Where did the life force come from, the spark that separates the dead from the living? 
The fact that Life - immensely complex, purposeful, structured, self-replicating machines - has arisen in a universe predisposed to chaos, disorder and abstract decay, is one of the most compelling arguments for including the Creationist model alongside evolution.

Our children need to be given the raw materials - They need to be able to weigh the facts for Intelligent purposeful design against the all-pervading indoctrination of our culture - the ruling paradigm which overwhelms us with the notion that everything is the product of purposeless, chaotic, random forces. A mindset so powerful that it now suggests no competing theory should even be on the table. 
Why? If the evidence for Intelligent Design is really so slim then the Creationist model will be discarded. 
What does evolution have to fear?

David Scott-Morgan 20 March 2002  
