
Birthday Bash, Saturday 17 Aug

Dave's 60th birthday bash was held in the garden of Church on the Hill.
Instead of a present, we asked people to donate to the Romania Fund and a total of £240 was collected on the Saturday. Other donations over the weekend brought the total to nearly £300.

Stan and daughter Monica. 
In the background, Alan Smith
Sheila & Richard Tandy, moi and Gordon Davies. At bottom left is Mark & Maggie Higgitt.

Pastors chew the fat: Dave Schwan and Harry Hewat.

Mandy, Gabriel and sister Simone.
Left: Alan composes music,
below: Alan composes burgers

The birthday bash promoted the 
inauguration of The Romania Fund

By the end of 2002, over £2,400 had been 
collected and transferred to the team
in Romania. Read about the programs and people
on the website.

