2001 foto tour


Jan-Feb: Working on the Reel 2 project: While mastering of the CD is almost complete, Luis Mi of Spain helps with ideas for CD inserts.

Reel 2 released Feb 20.

Feb: Chris Reidy, new announcer for the BRMB traffic-survey flight.

Jun 21, Pastor Ed Brown and his singing group come to Church on the Hill
(this pic taken at CLC, Jun 25)

Terry White + bike!
Romania 24 Jun-3 Jul.

'Letter from Romania'- a web site devoted to Miti's writings, first published in May. Miti's article in Direction magazine is published in the Jan 2002 issue.

Aug 26 - Cristi (Miti's pastor in Romania), visits Church on the Hill

Paula & Miti, married on 1 Sep in Tulcea.

Jul 29 - Simon Foster's leaving party, CLC

Sep 28.....

Esther goes flying from Stratford

2001 is an ELO milestone: To promote the new CD 'Zoom', TV shows were recorded before live audiences in New York & Los Angeles. Photo above of Rosie Vela and Jeff taken by Jose Luis at one of the LA shows (May 23/24)

 Above: ELO fan Bill & Claire Carter, from Canada, in Birmingham, Sep 18
Right:  Alejandra & ELO fan Jose Luis Schenone, from Argentina, Jul 22 - Aug 12.


Nov 30 - Dec 3, Northern Ireland, guests of Connie & Clive Elliot of Portadown.

above: Drumcree church, Dec 1 - peaceful, but in the summer, the focus of a bitter sectarian confrontation.

Nov 8-10 on retreat at the Monastery of St. Barnabas the Encourager, at Brynmawr, Wales, run by Bryan & Dorothy Scrivener, above with Mandy.

Guytano, from Switzerland, in England for Christmas. Pic taken at Church on the Hill, Dec 27.
  Xmas 2001
at Church on the Hill.


2001 word tour